According to the OSHA report “An effective safety and health program…is the right thing to do, and doing it right pays off in lower costs, increased productivity, and higher employee morale.” Like all other industries employees are the assets of every company of the fabrication industry. Acknowledging the paramount importance of employees it is essential to take measures for ensuring their safety and making it the foremost priority. Following factors are the most effective for ensuring the safety of employees:
A safe employee is a productive one! Safety should be the clear winner in the battle that goes in your mind between productivity and employee safety. In fact, the perfect scenario will be one in which the two goals will be complimenting each other.
According to the National Safety Council’s survey, 70 % of employees say that during their ongoing training and orientation safety is stressed upon. No matter how many pending deadlines or heavy workload is there employees and management should keep in mind that nothing is more important than the safety of employees. Keeping employees away from trouble and safe enable them to give their best in the interest of the organization. So, employees should never be forced to attempt any unsafe practice for accomplishing any productivity goal and they must be allowed to avoid and stop a hazardous practice that poses any kind of threat to their safety.
In industrial fabrication, safety manager is the key liaison for ensuring agreement on safety measures by both employees and managers. He is accountable for all OSHA requirements: which implies that employees’ safety is the responsibility of the employer. For instance:
The impact of employee safety on employee wellbeing and retention, manufacturing efficiency and upholding OSHA amenability makes it an indispensable endeavor for the fabrication industry.